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Project USS Forrestal - A blast from my past..

USS Forrestal - |AIRFIX 1/600 scale

This was a kit that was originally made for me by my Dad. I've wanted to replace it with another for a while. I finally got the chance after I won this at auction on eBay...

Early days into the project, HMS Victorious sneaks into shot...

 There was a lot of loose bits in the (thankfully sealed) bag...

A nervy moment as the first decals go on.. They are 30 years old, after all...

An aerial view demonstrating the awesome size of these vessels - HMS Victorious wasn't exactly a small ship.....!!!

 Painting the flight deck details with the benefit of Tamiya masking tape: A luxury not available to my Dad when he made it - he had to rely on a very steady hand and a small bristly stick...

Lovely job..

The flight deck decals go on...

Now for the airgroup...

The deck starts to fill up..

She joins the Airfix fleet!!!


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