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HMS Diomede (1:350)


Atlantic Models 1/350 scale (Resin)

Type 12 (M) Batch 3 Broad Beam Leander Class Frigate

The very first Pusser's war canoe I ever set foot on, aged 9 - Portsmouth Navy Days 1979! This was my Dad's favourite, he loved the green deck! I have to say, I can still remember how ship shape and tiddly she was! I have managed to find a couple of photos online of her alongside at the time, which have been a great help in trying to represent her as she was then.

The model has been built from the Atlantic Models "Cleopatra" kit. Diomede was a phase 3 "broad beam" Leander, so there are some differences, which I have tried to implement. Disappointingly, the kit comes with two white metal mast options, neither of which is right for this ship! So I have had to scratch build one out of the two and some spare railing... For a £100+ kit that's a bit poor in my opinion. Overall though it is an excellent kit, although the fit was poor on this one, compared to others I have. I've tried to rectify it with hot water, filler and clamps, but with only partial success. Still it looks alright, it's only when you hold it up to the light that you can see the gaps!!!

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