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Project Ark Royal - a 4 month step by step diary of a work in progress.. My HMS Ark Royal 1/350 Merit build.

My Ark Royal Build, step by step...

The box arrives...

It's a big kit!

Here's one I built earlier - a comparison with Hood..

Flight deck - nice fit..

Staring to paint the deck..

The underside

The inside - Photo Etch being a pain!

As good as I can get the Quarterdeck rail

Starting to fit some of the compartments

More Photo Etch rail..

And more...

Lid still fits on OK!

Ships boats

Starboard side

Starboard boats and more photo etch railings

And more...

Gun turrets fitted..


Lovely bottom!

Glossing the deck, ready for decals.

The decals go on!!! (What a game!)

Matting the deck down after decal application

Looks OK

Start to move on with deck edge P.E.

Tidying up some of the paintwork

Spot the un-deliberate mistake..

Can anyone tell?

Clue:- front end...

..Flight deck


Decals overpainted behind the catapults

Reassembled after decal debacle

Deck edge P.E. reapplied

8 barrel Pom Poms fitted

More deck edge P.E.

The P.E round the rear end was tricky..

Life floats and radio pylons made and fitted..

More ships boats and cranes

Now to start on the island. Again, a good fit.

Staring to go together

Looking good

Funnel top P.E. another nightmare..

Island fitted.

Flight deck barriers fitted

Doesn't quite look right at the funnel top...

Apart from that, I'm happy so far

That looks better. Funnel top painted black (contrary to instructions...) Name plate finished, air group started..

Air group built, painted and decaled up!

Ready to land on!!!!


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