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HMS Birmingham (1:350)

HMS Birmingham

 Atlantic Models 1/350 scale (Resin)

After finally finishing HMS Daring, I went straight into building what is probably my most favourite ever warship, HMS Birmingham. This was the first warship I slept overnight on and went to sea on (as a Sea Cadet).Having gotten into the groove with finishing Daring off, and being off work, I was able to build her in just 19 days! 

She was started 15th July 2021 and finisher at 6:50pm on 2nd August, just in time to be entered into the East Midlands Model club monthly competition, which she won with 50% of the vote!

She is depicted in her last commission, fitted with Vulcan Phalanx and Type 1022 search radar.

Union flag fitted to bridge roof as per reference photos I have. Also, "Sharpeye" radar antenna not fitted - it's not on any photos I've seen of her.. Decals from Hawk Graphics. Notice the Sea Dart GWS30 missiles are white and black "Live" rounds, rather than the dummy red ones...

The type 1022 radar antenna was a real challenge for my PE skills... 10 separate parts make up the array! The GAMBO 20mm Oerlikons were "fun" too...

Aerials were made from an old electric guitar string... Mainmast lower yardarms were removed, ESM house never fitted - I could find no evidence of either ever being fitted to Brum.

I used a new technique for the ensign this time. I wrapped it round some silver kitchen foil, rather than back onto itself. It's a lot, lot easier, stronger and posable.

After getting her home from the competition, I decided I wasn't happy with the silvering of the decals, so a little more work was done rectifying this..

After posting pictures on the Type 42 veterans facebook page, It seems she was never upgrade to carry the type 996 radar, or the SRBOC chaff system that the model kit comes with, so I did a little bit of scratch building to replace them with the type 992 radar and the 8 barrel CORVUS CHaff 3" rockets..

There is still a little bit of touching up that could be done - maybe later!

Safely installed in the display cabinet.

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