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HMS Antrim (1:600)

 HMS Antrim - Airfix County Class cruiser

Going back to the Airfix 1/600 kits after so long has not been a great experience, to be honest. It's not my best work, but then neither is it Airfix's... It's riddled with faults!

The forward superstructure block needed to be moved forward - it just looked wrong! However, this was done at the expense of lengthening this block at the back - which is also wrong albeit less noticeably so..  The flight deck decals were left over from a Hawk Graphics 1/350 sheet, that bizarrely seem the right size! The sea cat launchers that come with the kit are just awful: these ones are off an old, spare Fearless kit I bought without realising the hull had been butchered to try to make it a waterline model! Unfortunately the holes for them are in the wrong place on the deck - too far aft and directly in front of the hangar door on the port side. I may go back and reposition them - although then again I may not... Finally the foremast is wrong for Antrim., as is the main radar array which should be a "double bedstead" - not a single. Again, I did consider trying to scratch build a new foremast and radar array, but the model just doesn't warrant it! The kit was originally released as Devonshire, which had a single bedstead and a "B" turret. This was in the "Falknands Warships" box set with decals for Devonshire, Antrim and Glamorgan. They also go so far as to add the Exocet sprue, presumably from their HMS Amazon kit. But that's it! (Oh and the painting instructions are wrong with the two main deck colours transposed).

Anyway, here it is: Warts and all!

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