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The Blake's 7 Sci Fi fleet!

Blake's 7 is a BBC produced Science Fiction show from the late '70's  - early '80's That I absolutely loved (and still do!). This is my Blake's 7 fleet, not all to scale!!

The Liberator 

Comet Miniatures, 1:5 Millispacials!!

This was the crew's spaceship for the first 3 series, until it was destroyed in the season 3 finale "Terminal". The model itself is a Comet miniatures kit.

Starboard side

With the flash off, you can see a lot more detail, but it does lose that "ethereal" effect...

Liberator and Scorpio in formation, to scale. The Scorpio replaced Liberator in season 4.

The Titan Find Resin Scorpio..

Wanderer Class (Mk2)

Despite already having a 3D printed Scorpio, I have hankered after the Titan Find resin kit for a while, so when I had the chance to get one, that was it! Had a major job getting the colour right from photographs of the original model - It really depends on what the light is like as to what shade it looks! Even the background can really affect how a photo looks,as you can see below.

Looks really Orange with a Black background..

Taken in exactly the same light, but with a different background - Just look at how different the colour looks!!

Not the best view - shows off the flaws in the resin casting quite badly....

On display..

Starburst Class Federation Pursuit Ship

Reassigned from the Galactic 8th fleet, The new high range "Starburst" class Federation Pursuit ships... The main protagonists of the series, the Federation is a totalitarian regime that Blake is determined to destroy - providing they don't destroy him and the Liberator first!

This is the Titan Find Resin kit. Bought in from America at great expense (From Masterpiece Models,as was Scorpio)

Plan View

With the rest of the Blake's 7 fleet...

On display!

The System Persuit Ship

From the first episode of season two, Redemption - "The System" try to recover the Liberator from Blake and his crew. They used two of these babies to track him down and force the Liberator - or DSV2 as they call it - back home. This kit is a Century Castings resin kit.

Scorpio 1:400
This was bought before I was able go source a Resin Titan Find kit - very expensive by comparison, and nowhere near as good. Still, it gave me an insight on how to get the ship painted and weathered right..

This is actually a 3d printed model! No assembley required, all I had to do was paint it...

Mounted on base - job done!

A WORK IN PROGRESS 3D printed Liberator...

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